Dron show design

Ágnes Előd, a sculptor and founder of Open Dimension, researches over a decade the application of automation and control in art installations. To implement her artworks, such as her drone sculptures, Open Dimension Ltd. formed a collaboration with CollMot Robotics Ltd. in 2015.

Young deer - flying drone sculpture over the Danube at Budapest

The 70 meters tall, animated sculpture representing the mythical deer of Hungarian mythology was premiered in 2018 within the official celebration of the Hungarian national holiday in collaboration with the CollMot Robotics.

Andersen portré
Portrait of Andersen

A collaborative project of CollMot Robotics and Open Dimension. The lights are mounted on drones flying along a 3D curve, and draw the lines on a long exposure photo. Flight duration: 90 seconds. Photo by István Labancz, trajectory by Ágnes Előd, drone fleet and flight infrastructure by CollMot Robotics.

Photo: Open Dimension

Ágnes Előd: Autumn Crocus, 2018 (Janos Arany series)

Drone sculpture, Drone technology: CollMot Robotics, Photo: István Labancz

Reindeer in the Buckingham Gardens:

In December of 2018 we presented a reindeer animation drownshow for the VIP guests of the Buckingham Palace. The animation is based on natural reindeer behavior.

Photo: Zsolt Bézsenyi